
2017中考英语必备 9张图帮你搞定英语从句
英语从句是什么? 从句是一种在句子中包含主语和谓语的子句,可以用来扩展句子的意义或改变句子的结构。从句通常以连词(如“that”、“whether”、“if”、“as”、“until”等)或从属连词(如“who”、“what”、“when”、“where”、“why”等)引导。 从句的使用可以增加句子的复杂性和可读性,同时也可以帮助简化语法和提高表达清晰度。下面是一些常用的从句类型: 1. 宾语从句:用“that”、“whether”、“if”等引导,用于表示从属关系,如: - I know that he is coming. - I'm not sure whether I can make it to the party. - He asked if I had seen the movie. 2. 表语从句:用“who”、“what”、“when”、“where”、“why”等引导,用于表示修饰关系,如: - The book on the table is mine. - I don't know what to do. - He doesn't know when he will arrive. 3. 同位语从句:用“as”引导,用于表示并列关系,如: - As I was walking to the store, it started raining. - The teacher is as smart as he is hardworking. 4. 原因状语从句:用“why”引导,用于表示原因关系,如: - Why don't you come to the party with me? - He asked me why I was crying. 从句的使用需要根据句子的需要和语法规则来决定。下面是一些建议: - 在英语写作中,从句通常使用缩写,如“to be honest”、“to tell you”等。 - 避免在从句中使用主语和谓语,以免造成混淆。 - 在从句中,如果主句已经很简短,可以考虑只使用从句的主语和谓语。 希望这些信息能有所帮助。
高中英语选择题,as引导的从句是什么 题目简单语法重要
